Silver Linings: Because our pension beneficiaries really do matter
The Competition
A think > do competition for brainwaves and business plans to make care for older generations sustainable
Brainwaves: £500 each for the 8 best brainwaves
Business Plans: £10,000 to the winning entry, and £5,000 to 2x runner-up entries
Senior care is currently unsustainable, and the Covid-19 pandemic has exposed society’s inability to protect our oldest and most vulnerable citizens in our various care systems.
The Silver Linings: Because our pension beneficiaries really do matter Competition looked for new, investible, implementable ideas in terms of how care for older generations might be re-thought, re-worked, joined-up and importantly financed – to have positive impact on the individuals themselves, society in general, and that could be/become more environmentally friendly, and improve longevity, quality of life and wellbeing overall.
We were agnostic on how this could be achieved.
We were looking for investable ideas that could, (with further input, if required), be translated into practical solutions to solve problems in care of older people.
Why now?
The competition was organised by Responsible Investor (Hugh Wheelan, Co-founder and Joint Managing Director) Sally Bridgeland, FIA (trustee, non-executive director and adviser) and Dr Rachel Melsom, MBBS, BSc. (Director, Medical Matrix Consulting, and practicing physician with a special interest in Older Persons Care).
Having spent our careers in the world of pensions, investment, sustainability and the medical and caring professions, we know that providing and financing good, long-term care is a problem that looms large like a menacing shadow, but is not currently getting the required attention.
And yet it is really at the heart of everything we do: our pension savings systems are designed (at their best) to provide financing for a decent standard of care during the latter period of life.
We believe that as financial practitioners we can help broaden public awareness of the issue, by working together with those in the frontline providing the required care and support. Together, we can identify some of the core problems (social, technological, environmental, financial), and more importantly, work together to deliver some of the best thinking from the corporate and financial worlds to help be part of genuinely sustainable and investable solutions.
Read the articles about the Silver Linings Competition :
Responsible Investor: Why we are launching the Silver Linings older age care competition (Jan 15th, 2021)
Responsible Investor: How the Silver Linings Brainwaves and Business Plans older age care competition works (Jan 18th, 2021)
Responsible Investor: Our new competition – Silver Linings: Because our beneficiaries really do matter – takes its inspiration from the 2003 long-term mandate competition (Jan 20th, 2021)
Responsible Investor: Institutional investors must put the values back in the value of care for older generations, or we all suffer (Jan 22nd, 2021)
The Carer: Audley Villages Sponsors ‘Silver Linings’ Competition Aimed At Improving The Future Of Care (March 22, 2021)
Responsible Investor: Every idea has a Silver Lining (29 July, 2021)
Responsible Investor: The Silver Linings Competition: How to tackle the social care crisis (6 August, 2021)
Professional Pensions: Silver Linings contest seeks sustainable retirement ideas (13 August, 2021)
Pensions Age: Competition launched to develop sustainable retirement solutions (16 August, 2021)
Responsible Investor: How to write a 3000 word Business Plan to enter the Silver Linings older age care competition (16 Aug 2021)
Responsible Investor: The Silver Linings elderly care competition addressing a key part of the “S” missing from pension trustees esg agendas (1 Oct 2021)
Responsible Investor: Write a 3k Business Plan, win a 10k prize and do something great for older age care: enter the Silver Linings competition (15 Oct 2021)
Responsible Investor: Helpful ‘ways of thinking’ to create a 3k word Business Plan for the Silver Linings older age care competition and win £10k (5 Nov 2021)
Responsible Investor: Now is the time to get health and older age care into the ESG criteria of pension fund mandates (10 Dec 2021)
Responsible Investor: One month left to submit a Business Plan for the Silver Linings older age care competition and win £10k (10 Dec 2021)
Responsible Investor: Final awards event for £20k winners of RI-backed Silver Linings Competition for older age care solutions to take place on Feb 10 (25 Jan 2022)
Responsible Investor: Six finalists announced for the Feb 10 ‘Dragon’s Den’ Awards Event of the Silver Linings Competition for older age care solutions (7 Feb 2022)
Responsible Investor:Winner and runners-up announced for Silver Linings Competition for investment into older age care solutions (21 Feb 2022)
Capital Monitor: Why old-age care is overlooked by investors (11 May 2022)
How it worked
The competition had two goals:
- The Brainwaves element completed in May 2021: Short Brainwaves designed to highlight a key problem and provide an inspired solution in an older persons care context. The Brainwaves part of the competition was open to all, simple to enter, and formed part of the social media promotion of the competition.
See the winners of this first part of the competition. - The core part of the competition, completed in February 2022, sought relatively short, coherent, inspired Business Plans that could be developed into real investable solutions that address the problem of unsustainable older persons care. The main/largest prizes of the competition were awarded to these Business Plans. The aim was for these business plans to be the catalyst for investable projects. The best Business Plans were presented at a hybrid online/ in-person finale event hosting by sponsor Travers Smith, on February 10, 2022.
See the winner, runners-up and shortlisted finalists.
- The Brainwaves element completed in May 2021: Short Brainwaves designed to highlight a key problem and provide an inspired solution in an older persons care context. The Brainwaves part of the competition was open to all, simple to enter, and formed part of the social media promotion of the competition.
Mallowstreet webinar
The Silver Linings team in conversation about business plan submissions and how ideas needing investment should be entered.
Timeline and Judges
Competition Launch: ✓
January 2021
Silver Linings Digital Event, Brainwave winners announced ✓
May 24, 2021
Silver Linings Finale Event, Business Plan winners announced ✓
February 10, 2022
Interdisciplinary Judging Panel
You can find out more about our panel of highly experienced judges on the judges page.
We deliberately covered a wide variety of disciplines and included judges from pension funds, all judges assessing the Brainwaves and Business Plans, meeting virtually to discuss their views to determine the shortlisted entries.
Social media:
Twitter handle: @Ideas4Silvers
Linked in: Silver Linings Competition
The Silver Linings Finale Event
A dedicated event was held on February 10, 2022 to showcase the Business Plan shortlist and bring together inter-disciplinary professionals, companies and financial institutions to ask questions about the entries and crowd-test some of the ideas with a Dragon’s Den-style judging of the shortlist.
Watch the full event video on the business plan page
What next?
Please contact Dr Rachel Melsom for more information via email [email protected]